Tony Walsh, Founder and CEO of Freedom From Pain Massage Clinic, and a respected body worker in the Cairns area for over a decade and certified in Australia with a Diploma of Remedial Massage.
Tony has obtained a Graduate Degree from the USA as a Master Myoskeletal Therapist and studied many modalities from functional movement, Lymphatic, Neurological system, Vagus Nerve, Vascular, Venous, Visceral, Posture assessment and Correction.
Tony is a Fascial Counter Strain Practitioner
Tony is a genuine, passionate and committed therapist to help in the facilitation of the clients journey to reduce pain, increase mobility, posture, performance & improve there overall quality of life.
Tony's is continually improving his knowledge to provide the best outcome for his clients. Tony is a Teaching Assistant for James Waslaski Orthopedic Remedial Massage, Neuro-Kinetic Therapy to help therapists improve there knowledge and skills.